Adelaide Hills Brie Triple Cream

$48.95 per kg


The name provides a hint about this Brie — this super indulgent cheese is creamier than a double cream brie with a wonderfully buttery taste. Cream is added to the milk to boost the amount of butterfat before continuing to form the curds into a luscious Brie-style cheese. With this amount of cream, there is a balance of acidity to offset the decadent buttery texture. This Brie is perfect as an appetiser or as an hors d’oeuvre at cocktail parties. Enjoy it with a softer red like Merlot or Pinot Noir, or a beer like a Pilsner or Pale Ale. This has a melt-in-your-mouth texture and will take pride of place on a cheese board.

Country of origin

Made in Australia from at least 98% Australian ingredients

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