Boni Parmesan Reggiano Kg

$49.99 per kg


Parmigiano Reggiano is an extraordinary cheese, excellent in the aromas and taste, typical in its structure. This is a true Italian heritage. Delicious to taste on its own or shaved and grated on top of your favourite recipe to give it the deserved final great touch. Parmigiano Reggiano D.O.P. is exclusively produced in the region of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, part of Mantova and Bologna. The unique characteristics of “the king of all cheeses” derive from this link with a well kept and loved environment. Feeding of animals is done following a rigid regulation that prevents the use of insulated fodder and fermented foods. Milk quality controls are made constantly with a precise aim: to keep the quality high and those characteristics that stress Parmigiano Reggiano to be a completely natural product, absolutely free of additives or preservatives. This dedication and accuracy does reflect in an inimitable product with a surprise outcome: did you know that Parmigiano Reggiano is naturally lactose-free? That’s right! Not only delicious but healthy too!

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